I fell into doing hair in my mid 20s while living in New York City.  I had moved to New York to pursue acting.  I thought that doing hair would be a more interesting alternative to the endless “actor day jobs” I was currently suffering through.  As soon as I entered cosmetology school, I felt a cosmic shift.  Oh this.  This is what I’m supposed to do.  Acting fell by the wayside as I found a new love. For the next three years I ate, drank, and breathed hair (sometimes literally) as an apprentice in one of New York’s top salons.  Becoming a stylist has changed my life in immeasurable ways.  More than just learning about hair, I’ve learned incredible lessons about humanity. We're all crazy and we're all beautiful.  

I specialize in wearable creative hair color and cuts.  I love blondes, maybe because I'll never be one.  I have created hair styles for TLC’s What Not To Wear, WE tv's Amsale Girls, and have worked numerous shows at New York Fashion Week.

I love my husband, my dogs, and my job.

Book with me at https://linktr.ee/jillpalmerhair
